Monday, September 7, 2015

Tissue Lab

Today in our tissue lab we looked at all four tissue types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. Through a microscope, we looked at several different cells for the tissues. After looking through the microscope and sketching the cells, I could classify what type of tissue the cells were from what we had learnt in class. 

Epithelial tissue cover a body surface or line a body cavity. The are made up of closely packed cells in at least one layer. Connective tissue is made up of many diverse cell types, and they provide the body with a structural framework. Connective tissue has two main parts - cells, and extracellular matrix.

Muscular tissue has three parts: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. It is made up of actin and myosin fibers. Nervous tissue transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors. There are two types of nervous tissue cells: neurons (excitatory cells) and supporting cells(neuroglial cells).

The cells that were in the same tissue categories had many similarities for the most part. Blood and heart cells looked quite similar, and muscle cells all looked quite similar through the microscope. The anatomy of the cells from what we saw through the microscope and what we learnt in class correlated very closely and I could tell what tissue type the cell was. Skeletal muscle cells are striated, which could be seen through the microscope, and human epithelium cells were stratified columnar, and through the micrscope the layers were visible.

Left: human nerve cells

Right: ground bone cells

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