Wednesday, June 1, 2016

20 Time Final Post! (for now)

As people who have been keeping up with my 20 Time blog know, I have been working towards seeing if trying new things makes people happier. So after collecting data and talking to different people about trying new things and being happy, I had enough data to talk about the benefits of trying new things. I found that trying new things does lead to increased happiness levels, unless the 'new thing' tried relies on the reaction of another person and that reaction is a negative one. 

I am generally not a fan of speaking in class, let alone presenting in front of my class. What I kept telling myself, however, is that the TED talk is different in the sense that I am the one who researched and collected data for this topic. No one will criticize my knowledge of the topic or try and weaken my points as I obviously know it the best, after all the work I put into it. Everyone in the class was there to hear what I had to say, not analyze it and pick it apart.

Because of my nerves, I forgot to talk a bit more about my research but watching my TED talk I think I covered my points pretty well regardless, but if I could go back I would have mentioned it. I agree with the way I was graded, obviously I lost points for my timing but apart these things, I covered everything I had practiced at home which makes me happy. It definitely made me feel more confident overall. For people who have to do a TED talk, I really would advise practicing in front of other people. It feels weird at first, but once you're up in front of a group of people and doing the real thing you won't feel as uncomfortable.

I really enjoyed watching the other presentations. I heard some people comment about how boring it was to have to hear everyone speak but I had a very different reaction. Seeing the culmination of weeks of work and people's interests was fascinating to me. I learnt a lot not only about the different topics but also about the people in our class.

I'm really pleased that we did this project. It forced me to manage myself and my time in a way that no other teacher has before, and I think it was an excellent experience. I've grown as a person because of this project. As I keep mentioning on my blog, I've learnt to be more patient and understanding with people. And I've gained confidence in myself too. I wouldn't trade doing this project for anything.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reflexes Lab

In this lab we tested different reflexes of the the body. In class, we learnt that reflexes are involuntary responses due to stimuli. We tested the autonomic reflex (pupil size), knee jerk reflex, the blink reflex, and the plantar reflex. We also tested reflexes in accordance to response time, to see how texting while driving affects our response time.

1. Photopupillary Reflex
This reflex makes the pupil contract when bright light is shone into it. When light was shone into my eye, my pupil rapidly decreased in size. My other pupil was still dilated. After the light was removed, my pupil dilated once more. I think this reflex happens to protect our eyes from bright lights, and in contrast, I think pupils dilate to let more light in and help us see better in dark environments.
Change in pupil size

2. Knee Jerk Reflex (Patellar Reflex)
This reflex makes the lower leg swing out and kick when the spot just below the knee cap is hit. This one is quite odd. I tried telling myself not to kick out, but I genuinely couldn't do anything to stop my leg kicking out. I wonder if this reflex was to move out of harm's way -  before we could think about it, our bodies would have our muscles in our legs moving.

3. Blink Reflex
The blink reflex makes a person blink when something is thrown at them. This one happened, every time a cotton ball was thrown at my face, even through a glass window, I blinked. This reflex is clearly to protect our eyes when things come flying towards our faces.

4. Plantar Reflex
The plantar reflex showed whether a person's toes curled over when the foot was stimulated or if they spread apart. For me, my toes curled over, but if they spread apart, it is a sign of Babinski's, a sign of nerve damage if the test is not being done on a newborn. I think this happens to protect the sole of the foot, the curling of the toes is very characteristic of protecting.

5. Reaction Time Reflex
This reflex is about how fast we react to something we see. We also tested how speed when we were texting. The majority of people slowed right down when they were texting, which teaches us an invaluable lesson about how dangerous texting and driving is. The bar chart below displays the change in reaction time of our class. Our brains react to the images our eyes capture, but while texting, we can't focus solely on paying attention to our surroundings. We can only see our surroundings out of the corner of our eye due to the focus on our phones. Multi-tasking when driving is not safe.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sheep Brain Dissection


2. Cerebrum: higher brain function (thought/ activity)
Cerebellum: coordinate/ regulate muscular activity
Brain stem: transport information to and from the brain

3. Myelin increases the speed of nerve function.


5. Thalamus: involved in sensory/ motor signal transportation and the regulation of consciousness and sleep
Optic nerve: carries images from our retina to our brain so they can be interpreted
Medulla oblongata: helps regulate respiration and circulation
Pons: connector for cerebrum and cerebellum
Midbrain: part of the CNS associated with vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, alertness, and temperature regulation
Corpus callosum: connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain
Hypothalamus: produces many of the body’s essential hormones


Relate & Review

In the brain dissection, we cut the sheep brain in half and identified the different parts of the brain. We used pins to mark the different sections. The brain was weirdly squishy, totally different to what I expected but very interesting. The brain also looked really similar to diagrams, which sometimes what we dissect doesn't, but the little parts of the brain were a little difficult to identify. It was also weird how similar the sheep brain was to diagrams of the human brain. We did figure it out in the end though. It was really cool to hold an actual brain and dissect it, I think we're all really lucky to have been able to do this lab.

The brain cut in half
The brain with all the pins in it, identifying the different parts
The initial identification of major parts and front/ back


Sheep Eye Dissection

In the lab, we dissected a sheep eye. The eye below is fully intact, the cornea covering the front of the eye, and the sclera covering the rest. 
First we cut away any fat (yellow) or muscle left on the sclera, then we cut into the sclera. It was really tough and thick - much tougher than I expected it to be. After we finally made it through the sclera, we cut all the way around it, turning the eyeball into two hemispheres.
 We had to be careful to not cut the optic nerve. We got really lucky in that our cut was right where we wanted it to be. On the anterior half (left in photo), we had the part of the eye that is visible to the world. In it, was a gelatinous vitreous humor.
The vitreous humor maintains the shape of the eye. On the posterior half (right in photo) the retina on our sheep eye was still intact over the choroid coat.
 The retina is where images focused by the lens are collected. The underlying choroid coat nourishes the back of the eye. It has the tapetum lucidum, which is bluish in color and gives animals their night vision. It was fascinating to see that the retina is only connected to the eye in one spot, the blind spot. The blind spot is the spot on the retina where images cannot be focused. We then tipped the vitreous humor out of the front half of the eye. It tipped out quite easily, and we were met with the lens.
The lens focused light and is connected to the eye by suspensory ligaments. The lens will flatten or thicken depending on what needs to be seen. Now, we could also see the other side of the cornea. It was cloudy, because it was not in the living state. It is also to focus light. We could also see the ciliary body underneath it, which looked a bit like the underside of a mushroom.
The iris was brown/ black in colour, and overall the cornea had an oval shape, where humans have a circular cornea. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Clay Brain

This is the clay brain model our group made in class. It was a model of the left hemisphere along the sagittal plane, and the right cerebral hemisphere. The left hemisphere included the diencephalon, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the pineal gland, brain stem, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, the spinal cord, the pituitary gland. The right cerebral hemisphere included the occipital lobe, parietal lobe, frontal lobe, cerebellum, transverse fissure, parieto-occipital sulcus, postcentral gyrus, central sulcus, precentral gyrus, and lateral cerebral sulcus.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Woman with a Hole in her Brain

This article just goes to show how adaptable the human body is. The featured woman was 24 years old when it was discovered she is missing her whole cerebellum and despite a few struggles with motor skills and speech, she manages just fine. It begs the question: could we survive with other parts of our brain missing? The article says it is not unheard of to be missing parts of the brain. We know that a missing cerebellum creates a few impediments, but what does a missing brain part mean for longevity, or long-term health concerns?

From my research, it appears that theoretically a person could survive without a parieto-occipital sulcus. The parieto-occipital sulcus is the ridge between the parietal lobe and the occipital lobe. person may also have a connected parietal and occipital lobe, leading to a whole new breed of problems. It appears to help with planning things - so maybe a person would struggle with forethought without it. The frontal lobe is also involved in planning, so it is possible that if the parieto-occipital sulcus was missing, the frontal lobe could just take over. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

Unit 7 is all about the muscular system. We began with how synovial joints let us perform different actions, for example, flexion and extension. We created mini dances that included all the different movements and performed them in front of the class. It was all in good fun, but also uniquely helpful in memorizing each different synovial movement. We also learnt the basic anatomy of muscles: the major muscles in our body, and in a chicken (by dissection), such as the major and minor pectoralis, the deltoid, and the trapezius. The dissection was really cool - seeing all the different muscles and how similar they are to a humans was really impressive.
We then moved onto how muscles are separated and classified into different groups. Next, we zoned in and learnt about how muscles specifically work, right in each muscle fiber. I found the sliding filament theory particularly interesting - how the muscle shortens and lengthens when contracting and relaxing. We made a short video showing how a muscle works. It was challenging, finding a way to portray it clearly, but it was a great learning experience and it was cool how we made an actual short movie on it. Next, we moved onto how muscle fibers respond to different exercise - slow oxidative fibers in marathoners, fast oxidative fibers in a regular person, and fast glycolytic fibers in high intensity/ short burst workout, like sprinters. Finally, we covered performance enhancing substances and how the affect the mind body. The mini project for this section was that we made a satirical ad promoting P.E. substances.
The thing that really stood out to me about this is that none of them are FDA approved, or regulated in anyway, which in turn makes them all very unsafe for consumption. 
I'm really interested in learning more about performance enhancing substances, not only in the body, but those made for the mind as well. They are all so dangerous but many people treat them like no big deal - maybe not the ones aimed at body-building, but the ones that aid in focus and improve mental performance. Overall, I like a lot how my 20 time project is coming along, I'm really satisfied with my progress so far. Going back to my New Year's Goals, I am still working on more actively participating in class but in small groups I am participating a lot more. I am sleeping a fair amount every night - losing an hour to daylight saving wasn't great but I'm making it work the best I can. For horse riding, I am working hard to get to where I want to be - and hopefully a new horse is coming my way in the near future! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Performance Enhancement Advertisement

Performance enhancing drugs can be very dangerous. They can affect growth, mood, overall health, and longevity. Performance enhancing substances are taken to benefit athletic performance, build muscle, increase body mass, or lose body fat. They are all unregulated, non-FDA approved, or safe. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chicken Dissection Analysis

We skinned the chicken and got a good look at all the muscles, first and foremost the pectoralis major and minor. The muscles help the chicken move and hold itself up. The allow for the chicken to walk, hop, stand, and sit. For example, the pectoralis major gives chickens the ability to move its wings ventrally. The pectoralis minor allows the chicken to move its wings dorsally. The bones give the chicken its skeleton and are what allows it to have the anatomy to move. The tendons attach the muscles to the bone so that the muscles can move in different directions, which in turn allow the chicken to perform movements. 
The insertion of the muscle in the wings are quite shiny and white. When they move, the muscle is lengthened or shortened, and they glide against each other - as the chicken would when performing that movement.

Surprisingly, the chicken's muscles were quite similar to those of a human. The chicken has biceps and triceps like humans, obviously on a much smaller scale, but we quickly identified them. The trapezius was on the back, same as in humans, despite the overall difference in anatomy. It was also not hard to identify. The sartorius are on the front of the thigh, and allows for the crossing of the legs. Same on a human, they were also pretty easily spotted. The shape of a chicken is very different from a humans, but the muscles it has are not so different.

Pulls the hand back
Flexion of the leg

Includes sartorius, iliotibialis,
biceps femoris, semimebranosus,
semientendinosus, and quadriceps

Extends foot, flexes
lower leg. Allows us to
stand on our toes

Flexion of the hand
Extends the thigh,
flexes the leg

Flexes the thigh, extends
the lower leg
Deltoid: raise the upper arm/ wing
Biceps: flexion of arm/ wing
Triceps: extension of arm/ wing
Pulls the wing ventrally,
in most birds it allows
for flight
Lifts the wing dorsally, or
in humans in pulls the
shoulder down and forward
Extends the thigh
Pull the shoulder back

Extends the thigh
The white, shiny tendon
in the wing that attaches the
bone to muscle
Flexes the thigh, allows
crossing of legs
Our chicken,
before any cuts were made

Monday, March 14, 2016

What Happens When You Stretch?

1) "Hence when you stretch, the muscle fiber is pulled out to its full length sarcomere by sarcomere, and then the connective tissue takes up the remaining slack."

- This quote explains what happens when stretching -- how the muscle lengthens fully to accommodate what is being asked of the body. There are many sarcomeres, and a full stretch occurs when all of the sarcomeres are fully extended. 

2) "Some sources suggest that with extensive training, the stretch reflex of certain muscles can be controlled so that their is little or no reflex contraction in response to a sudden stretch."

- Some think that if people train enough, they can control which muscles stretch and which ones contract. The less contraction, the more stretch possible. It is not easy to achieve; as the sources say only the top of the top athletes achieve it.   -- but it is very rewarding once achieved.

3) "When stretching, it is easier to stretch a muscle that is relaxed than to stretch a muscle that is contracting. By taking advantage of the situations when reciprocal inhibition does occur, you can get a more effective stretch..."

- To increase the ease of stretching, it is very important to be relaxed , so contracting muscles are not opposing. Contracting certain muscles while trying to stretch others is very contradictory when trying to elongate the muscle. 

Relate & Review

This reading was about what happens when you stretch. It's important to try to control the muscle contraction when trying to stretch =, so the sarcomeres can fully extend and stretch out as much as possible; and also to improve the ease of stretching muscles. Gymnasts and dancers seem to be about to control when the muscle contractions occur, which totally changes the game when the sports are both very focused on extension of limbs. As a former gymnast and dancer, it is easy to recognize how helpful it is the be able to control sudden muscle contractions.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Owl Pellet Lab

In the owl pellet lab, we were given an owl pellet (indigestible remains owls regurgitate), and broke it apart in an attempt to find out what the owl had eaten. We used forceps and a probe to pull apart the compact mass and found a lot of fur, and a broken up skeleton. We separated the bones into groups based on similarity, and then tried to find out what it was.

Our owl pellet skeleton was quite incomplete, there was no complete skull, which made it difficult to distinguish what it was. However, we decided that the organism was a vole -- based solely on the shape of the scapula, and the radius and ulna. The diagram of the scapula for a vole was the only one that matched up with the physical scapula bone of our organism. The radius and ulna did not match at the ends of the bones for the other small rodents, and the diagram for the radius and ulna matched the organism's bone the most closely. Despite the incomplete skeleton, we strongly concluded that it was a vole.

 The scapula and ulna and radius looked very similar to human bones -- not at all in size, but the shape of them could almost have been the same, just shrunken. In the scapula, there was a center ridge that humans do not have, but it was easy to tell that it was the same bone, just in a vole. The spine was all separated into different sections, but we also distinguished very quickly that it was the spine. It looked just like a human skeleton, of course again on a much smaller scale. A human radius and ulna and a vole radius and ulna look incredibly similar, again just minimized. 

Vole and shrew
leg bone comparison charts

Close up of scapula compared to diagram
Vole and shrew comparison chart
(skull, scapula, pelvis)
Close up of ulna and radius compared to diagram

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

     This unit was about the digestive system, fuel metabolism, diabetes, obesity, metabolism, the endocrine system and the lymphatic system. For the digestive system, we learnt about the functions and the anatomy. We did the digestive system lab, where we got to see how long our digestive systems really are. It was fascination to see my height in comparison to what was inside me. Fuel metabolism was a bit more confusing for me. The body has different stages to convert food to energy so it can meet its daily needs/ requirements. There are also 3 states after eating: fed state, fasting state, and starvation state. The body uses different types of energy to keep going and ultimately survive when food is not available for a prolonged period of time. Diabetes was quite closely related to fuel metabolism as it is listed as a disruption in fuel metabolism. The body uses insulin to regulate the blood glucose level, and it happens when either the body does not make enough insulin (type 1), or it does not respond to insulin (type 2). Diabetes affects nearly 25 million Americans and staying healthy with diabetes is about correctly managing it. The endocrine system primarily controls the processes involved in movement and physiological equilibrium. There are hormones for nearly every gland and they all have different functions, whether it be growth, or regulating metabolism. Hormones are released to maintain homeostasis in the body. The lymphatic system helps immunity, lipid absorption, and fluid recovery. Lymph is a clear fluid similar to blood. It goes from lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, to lymph nodes. Lymph capillaries are nearly everywhere in the body except for CNS, bone marrow, cornea, and cartilage. Lymphocytes are white blood cells, and include T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. The largest lymphoid organ is the spleen and the surprising thing about it is that people can live without it. A ruptured spleen is a very common abdominal trauma, and the liver and bone marrow will take over functions.
     As I previously said, I found the fuel metabolism section quite confusing but the more I read over it the better I understand it. Also the fact that obesity and diabetes is so prevalent in our society made me all the more interested to learn about it.
     We did a digestive system lab, where we learnt how long the digestive system really is. We read about the role of stress in metabolism, and several other metabolism readings. Seeing how much longer my digestive is than me was cool but also weird to think how it fits inside of me. I remember Mr. Orre saying that if the small intestines were fully unfolded, it would be around the same size of a tennis court, which is insane! The readings were cool to see how stress, our metabolism, and even diabetes and stress eating are all related. 
     I think this unit covered my questions really well -- I'm still interested in further research to do with diabetes but I think what we have learnt in class has motivated me to keep up with it and continue to look into news about it. A lot of the articles we shared in the Canvas discussion were really interesting and it's the kind of topic that I am keen to read and learn more about.

I checked into my New Years Goals and this is what I have so far. I am still struggling to go out of my comfort zone and raise my hand, but when I speak in class it is already feeling more natural, so to me that is a step in the right direction. I am doing much better with sleeping enough and procrastinating less, and the effects feel great. I feel nowhere near as tired as I used to and I feel overall healthier and happier. Show season for horse riding has not yet started, but I am being consistent in my lessons and the jumps are progressively increasing in size, which is another step in the right direction! I am going to try to push myself to participate more actively and just continue to get enough sleep. With riding I just have to stay consistent and on top of my game so my trainer sees my progress and will let me try moving up. So far, my progress is great, but it is nothing compared to where I could be when I really lock down and focus on what I want to improve on. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Digestive System Lab

1. In this lab we measured parts of our body, such as the mouth, esophagus, and hand, to find out just how long our digestive system really is. It was really interesting to see how much longer my digestive system is compared to my height.

2. My digestive system is (9.25-1.73) 7.52m longer than me. I think it is able to fit inside my abdomen due to the fact that it is so tightly packed and folded up. The small intestine is very long (mine is 6.9m), and I think that it fits because it is very compressed and packed in. Because there are so many folds, it manages to squash in.

3. I'm guessing it takes around 12-14 hours for food to move through the entire digestive system, especially since the small intestine is so long. I looked it up, and it turns out it takes 24 to 44 hours, depending on the food. I was pretty far off, it's pretty surprising how long food stays in our body. It turns out that most of that time is spent in the large intestine, where nutrients that weren't absorbed during its' time in the small intestine are absorbed, and water is removed.

4. While digestion is the breaking down of the food, which occurs in the mouth, esophasgus, and stomach, absorption is when the nutrients are taken into the blood stream, which happens in the small and large intestines.

5. I'm interested in what foods mean a shorter/ longer time to pass through the digestive system and why. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

1. This semester, I will participate more actively in this class by raising my hand more frequently and discussing topics more in depth. I will go out of my comfort zone a bit by initially participating one or two more times than usual and then as I become more comfortable, active participation will become more natural.

2.  I will get more sleep, at least 8 hours a night. My previous health goals included me getting more sleep and relaxing more in order to be less stressed. I will procrastinate less, in order to finish my workload earlier on in the day so I can sleep earlier, and improve my performance at school and overall.

3. By the end of this semester, 5 months from now, I will move up to the Low Junior jumpers. This means that I will have to work hard and regularly place well in competition in order for my trainers to feel comfortable moving me up. Low Junior's is 1.10m to 1.15m, and I am currently at 1.0m to 1.05m, so I feel that this is an attainable goal if I keep working.